The hotel I am at today has a fantastic garden so who better to find me a chameleon than one of the gardeners. He had 3 other of his team looking for me and it took them all of 10 minutes to find me one. They then broke the twig that he was on and bought him to me and placed him in a sunny spot so I could take photos. They essentially don't move. I only had my phone to take shots but decided to go back to the bungalow and get my decent camera which was about 5 minutes away. I came back and he was still there and in exactly the same pose. Even his suspended left foot hadn't budged. He clearly wanted his photo taken. There was no point taking a video as the only thing that moved was his eye.
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Kulama White Noise is a 12 hh, 5 yo mare who would suit a beginner, intermediate or advanced rider. She is quiet to handle, float, shoe and ride. She loves people and is an enthusiastic and athletic jumper.
White Noise is great at pony club and desensitised to a wide range of distractions. She would make the ideal first pony. Priced at $4,990
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