Sound like the title of Billy Joel song? So much for volunteering to help change the planet! This place is a complete scam and no better than being on a very badly organised school camp. In fact if this was a school camp I think the parents would remove their children from the school. Currently 100 volunteers here doing different "programs" that have no research credibility and untrained staff. I have moved into the local village which is a 3km walk away and a 15 minute boat trip (if you can talk someone into dropping you off on their way to Hellville). The village is primitive but has a school, a basketball court (from where you catch boats), a few scattered spring fed washing stations (see below) for the locals to wash themselves and their clothes, a handful of cafes and bars, a pharmacy (see below) and about 4 hotels with bungalows. Some of them even have hot water. I have moved into a bungalow at Hotel Ilo (photo below) which is run by a lovely French family. I will go back and forth to camp to finish my advanced diving certification and then I will move back to Nosy Be and possibly do some more stuff in Madagascar.
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Kulama White Noise is a 12 hh, 5 yo mare who would suit a beginner, intermediate or advanced rider. She is quiet to handle, float, shoe and ride. She loves people and is an enthusiastic and athletic jumper.
White Noise is great at pony club and desensitised to a wide range of distractions. She would make the ideal first pony. Priced at $4,990
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